Morrowind Do You Continue to Level After Srtast Are Maxed
While there are no level requirements for most of the quests, there are some which are more advantageous to do early, and some which are better to save until later on. Still it can be helpful to start other quests early and hold them off until later, and there are certain quests that conflict with each other if being performed at the same time. This page attempts to clarify some of these issues.
Quests to do Early [edit]
- Report to Caius Cosades
- You join the Blades, get access to the training and merchant facilities offered by other Blades members, and can get some free equipment to use or sell.
- All of the House Telvanni Mouth quests
- They aren't too difficult, and you can obtain a number of free spells plus some extremely handy magical items, like Gothren's Cephalopod Helm from the Mission to Nchuleft Quest and the Ring of Toxic Cloud from the Slave Rebellion Quest.
- Escort Tarvyn Faren
- Escorting this merchant from Vivec to Pelagiad shouldn't be taxing at any level, but you don't want him to charge off and fight any blighted creatures you meet on the way, and probably get himself killed.
- Boethiah's Quest
- You can obtain a rather good sword for a moderate amount of gold and very little fighting. However, it takes a few days for Boethiah's shrine to be built, so the sooner you can do this quest the better.
- Vassir-Didanat Ebony Mine
- If you report to Velanda Omani or Dram Bero you can get 2,000 gold or a Daedric weapon of your choice respectively with no fighting at all.
- Pemenie and the Boots of Blinding Speed
- Doing this quest early on saves a lot of travel time and with the right know-how the secondary effects can be almost completely nullified.
- All of the Synnolian Tunifus's Quests
- He is one of the quest providers for members of the Cult, and he provides some of the easiest quests in the game, all of which involve gathering supplies of various alchemical ingredients. If you happen to have enough of all of these ingredients in your inventory when you first talk to him, you can complete all of his quests in a row without even leaving the room.
- The first five of Ajira's Quests
- Ajira starts by offering relatively simple first line quests for the Mages Guild which generally involve gathering various ingredients from the Bitter Coast and Ascadian Isles for her alchemical exploits. Her quests also involve her bet with Galbedir on who will reach Journeyman rank first, which allows you to easily steal loot worth more than 60k from Galbedir. Her later quests become far more difficult, involving the acquisition of extremely valuable artifacts.
- A Man and His Guar
- You can gain 200 gold if you escort this NPC on his way to Vivec.
Quests to Save for Later [edit]
- Marsus Tullius' Missing Hides
- If you hold off doing this quest until after you've completed the Meet Sul-Matuul quest (part of the Main Quest), you can complete this quest without bloodshed, as the two 'thieves' will offer to give you the hides they stole.
- Umbra
- He's level 20 and rather powerful...
- The Angry Trader
- The training reward is most valuable when you have high levels of Mercantile and less valuable at lower levels.
- Mystery of the Dwarves
- This quest can be started on day 1 but is one of the most complex, requiring multiple items from different dungeons and a lot of detective work. Many of the requirements will be fulfilled during other quests, completing this one will be much easier after doing everything else. The following quest from this questgiver requires the completion of the Main Quest, no need to hurry.
Quests You Can Miss [edit]
- Ceramic Bowl
- This quest can only be picked up after completion of the quest Four Types of Flowers but before leaving the Mages Guild interior. Leaving the interior or advancing in guild rank during the quest will automatically skip over to Stolen Reports
- The Bal Molagmer questline for the Thieves Guild
- If you achieve the rank of Master Thief in the Thieves Guild, the questgiver for this quest line will leave the game world, meaning any active quests in this line can no longer be completed, and any future quests cannot be obtained.
- Mephala's Quest
- This Daedric quest can be missed if you become Grandmaster of the Morag Tong before attempting to start the quest. The topic "sensitive matters", which is required to start the quest, will not appear.
- Kurapli Seeks Justice
- Due to a bug, if you become Urshilaku Nerevarine before talking to Kurapli at least once, the "discuss" topic required to start the "Kurapli Seeks Justice" quest will be missing.
- A Rash of Insults
- This minor quest in Vivec can be missed if you kill Trebonius before getting around to this.
- A Lucky Coin
- The questgiver for this quest appears briefly in Ghostgate's Tower of Dusk after Vivec gifts you Wraithguard, and disappears after you've defeated Dagoth Ur.
- Thelas' Pillows
- Due to a bug, this quest can only be started during the Fighters Guild Exterminator quest, and will otherwise be missed permanently.
Quests that Conflict [edit]
- The Code Book and the Thieves Guild questline
- If you complete The Code Book before joining the Thieves Guild, then you will not be allowed to join them. If you want to join both the Fighters and Thieves Guilds, first join the Fighters Guild, and when you get this quest, get Sottilde to give you the book. Then, before returning to Eydis Fire-Eye, talk to Sugar-Lips Habasi about membership for the Thieves Guild. Now that you're a member, they won't be so hostile towards you after turning the book over to Eydis.
- Huleen's Hut and A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade
- If you kill the scamp and then talk to Edwinna about Huleen's hut before completing the quest A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's Shade, Edwinna will next ask you to Return Chimarvamidium (even though you never stole it), and Skink-in-Tree's Shade's quests will never be available to you, as he will always tell you he cannot give you duties until he finishes making the potion for Edwinna. This can be worked around by using the console command
journal MG_potion 10
and then completing the quest.-
This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project.
- The Brothers Ienith and Writ for Navil and Ranes Ienith
- If you execute the brothers for the Thieves Guild before you obtain the writ from the Morag Tong, the Morag Tong questgiver will be upset because you have killed them dishonorably without a writ (although all that happens is you lose the 2,000 gold reward). However, the Thieves Guild will not care if they are already dead. So if you plan to work for both factions, it's better to do the Morag Tong quest first, before you get to that quest for the Thieves Guild.
- Ultimatum for Carecalmo and The Scroll of Fiercely Roasting
- If you slay Carecalmo before you obtain the Ultimatum for him, you will lose the 1,000 gold reward from Eno Hlaalu. Note that it is not strictly necessary to kill Carecalmo in order to complete The Scroll of Fiercely Roasting.
- Grandmaster and Threads of the Webspinner
- Becoming Grandmaster of the Morag Tong will prevent you from completing the Threads of the Webspinner quest if you haven't finished it yet.
- Slay Raxle Berne and the Berne Clan vampire quests
- Slaying Raxle Berne for the temple will prevent you from obtaining the Berne Clan vampire quests, and will also prevent you from completing any that are in progress. However, you can only become a vampire of ONE of the three vampire clans of Morrowind and, once cured, cannot become a vampire again. All three vampire clans have unique quests, with the Aundae clan quests giving you the greatest rewards (by far) so this quest conflict isn't necessarily a big deal.
- All Lorbumol gro-Aglakh quests and Remove Sjoring's Supporters
- Once you reach the rank of Champion in the Fighters Guild, Lorbumol will attack you whenever you attempt to speak to him, claiming that you are after his rank. Similar to that, starting Remove Sjoring's Supporters will make him attack you on sight. Therefore, it's best do to his quests early on.
- Literacy Campaign and The Twin Lamps and Free Hides-His-Foot
- Even though Ilmeni Dren's 3 Hlaalu quests are Kinsman rank quests, last two become available to anyone upon learning the secret answer. Being at lower rank while talking to her before learning the answer makes her skip Literacy Campaign. Furthermore, if the player learns travel together topic (from 'A Man and his Guar' quest for example) and goes to Hides-His-Foot directly, he can do Free Hides-His-Foot quest without being a Hlaalu or knowing the secret answer. That makes Ilmeni skip The Twin Lamps quest as well.
- Find Fedris Tharen and Recover Shields from Andasreth
- If you acquire Andasreth topic via Master Index quest you can use it with Lloros Sarano to do Recover Shields from Andasreth quest before doing Ash Statue, Find Fedris Tharen or Find Beden Giladren quests. If you ask him about duties after he'll say he has no more. You won't be able to start Find Fedris Tharen by talking to him as he doesn't appear on his spot until you talk to Lloros Sarano about him. Other two quests can be started through other NPCs.
- Archmagister Gothren and Telvanni Hortator
- Both quests require to kill Archmagister Gothren, depending on the timing the reward may vary.
- Kill Reynel Uvirith, Kill Raynasa Rethan and Slay Raynasa Rethan
- While those quests don't conflict directly with each other, belonging to the House Telvanni will prevent Reynel Uvirith to spawn and belonging to the House Hlaalu will prevent Raynasa Rethan to spawn. Mostly relevant when joining multiple houses.
- Alleius' Bounty, Ahnassi, a Special Friend and Lord's Mail.
- Rufinus Alleius provides information and keys for two quests. Killing him should not mess them up, but could make them a bit harder.
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